
The Poor Property was donated in 2010 by Eliza, Katherine, Hannah, Mary, and Bancroft Poor in memory of Katherine and Hustace (Stacey) Poor. The property is adjacent to the Metcalf-Peabody 49 acre parcel and the Hall Field.

There is a small parking lot off Sterling Road, and a half-mile mile trail that runs through the Peabody-Metcalf property to a lovely beaver pond. At .3 Miles from the road, a separate trail goes off to the right and proceeds down the hill into the Poor property and past the dedication stone, then and around to the beaver pond. This trail was cleared by Stacey Poor, and is maintained by the PLT Trustees. The round trip length, if you take the loop through the Poor property, is about 1.4 miles.

There is also a loop trail that heads North from the Poor dedication stone, over to connnect to the trail through the Hall Field and out to Routes 62/31. Connections can be made from there to the Gregory-Alexander trails and to the center of Princeton.